Amiri Studio Valley


Studio 139

Studio 139 is the largest of our studio locations in Amiri Valley.


Studio 330

Studio 330 is the central location out of which the YCDSMC headquarters is based.

Studio 331 is our newest location adjacent to Studio 330 in Amiri Studio Valley.

Studio 108 is our first established studio, located a short 10 minute drive from Amiri Valley.

Future Locations


Studio 131

Studio 131 is adjacent to Studio 139 in Amiri Studio Valley. The site of this location (1, 138, 000 square feet) has recently been acquired and is planned to finish construction in December 2022. When completed, this studio will have 85, 400 square feet of floor space.


Outdoor Film Set

Amiri’s outdoor film set is located between Studios 330 and 331. This site is approximately 142, 000 square feet and upon completion will be used for the filming of Concrete Utopia.